
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 2 Episode 7 Recap

Mimi and Ariane head out to New York to fix things with K.Michelle.
Joseline lashes out at Stevie’s new artist. Drew gives Traci some devastating news about their business, and Rasheeda and Kirk continue to worry about the pregnancy.
Everyone knows girlfriends argue and come back together like nothing ever happened. Such is the case with Mimi and her gal pal Ariane, who had a testy conversation last week on the set of Mimi’s boyfriend Nikko’s video shoot.
Mimi apologizes to Ariane for blowing up and that she wasn’t taking it out on her, but more so to K. Michelle, who always seems to have an issue with something. That girl probably frowns when the sun is out.
Ariane said that it was wrong for the two guys to attack her like that, regardless if she was out of line. Very true. Ariane convinces Mimi to fly out with her to New York to squash the drama.
Scrappy has finally had enough of Momma Dee’s meddling. Or so it seems. After that god-awful E.O.E. (End Of Engagement) cake she decorated for him last week, he tells her to leave him alone. Thanks be to Jesus. He sees the light. We know you gotta love your mama, but crazy is just crazy. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye3Momma Dee clearly wants Scrappy to be happy, but her smothering is making him miserable. So Scrap packed up and left. But something tells us he’ll be back.
lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye5Kirk and his lackluster response to Rasheeda’s pregnancy has made her feel like she is in it alone. Kirk even went as far as blaming her for getting popped, alluding to her not taking her birth control. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye6Last we checked it took two people to make a baby. Kirk said he used other ways of birth control, like the “killing it on the sheets” method, but apparently one of his soldiers still found it’s way to the army base. Kirk would love it if Rasheeda agreed to take the easy way out of the pregnancy by getting an abortion. Rasheeda makes it quite clear that she is not having that.
lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye9Side note: what is it with the men of LAHH meeting up with strippers in the background to discuss real life issues? Kirk heads over to Benzino’s house for some advice about the situation. House full of dancers. And was that Bobby V back there? Carry on…
lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye7Traci invites Shay to a fashion show she is hosting, and lo and behold, Erica is a model in the show, looking fabulous. Traci wants the girls to speak but Erica makes it clear that she only stopped over to speak to Traci, while Shay stands back and rolls her eyes repeatedly. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye8
It would be a sight to see these two have a head-to-head confrontation before the season wraps up. Based on Erica’s verbal assault with Momma Dee, our money is on her for a win!
Stevie J is really trying to be considerate this season. Sort of. Rather than working with Che Mack behind Joseline’s back, he wants the two ladies to meet. At a strip club, of course. Last time they meet, the conversation ended with Che screaming her head off looking for attention. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye16Joseline clearly wants no part of Che. Not only that, she wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room let alone on the same record with her. She tells Joseliine that she is not tryin to step on her toes, she just wants to be on Stevie’s team. That still doesn’t sit will with Joseline, who gets up from the table to leave, but not without a quick mush to Che Mack’s forehead. Song? What song? Never gonna happen!
Traci and Drew have a problem. A big $50,000 problem. After Traci finally turns over her half of the money needed to open up their sneaker store, Drew drops a huge bomb on her – the guy he was dealing with is a con artist. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye13
He took the money and ran. Traci asks if there was a written contract, and Drew said it was verbal. Words don’t matter when you are dealing with that much money. It’s safe to assume that this dude is living lovely somewhere in Aruba with their sneaker money. Sucks for them. Hopefully Traci will think twice about going into business with Drew until he gets his lifetogether.
Mimi and Ariane make it to New York, but before they meet up with K. Michelle, Mimi lets Ariane hear an interview K. had earlier, dissing Nikko. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye12Mimi is tired of K. trying to make everything about her, and head over to the venue where she is performing. They meet her backstage, and K. tells Mimi that she should’ve had her back during the argument with Nikko and Johnny. Mimi says is that K. can’t question a man’s sexuality without their being consequences, and that gets K. Michelle heated. lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye14
So of course she does what she does best – yells and name-calls. And yes, she said Nikko was gay. Mimi, in a calm voice says, “You can’t even talk, you don’t even have a man.” lahhatl-s2e7-freddyo-missjaye15
Then K. popped her in the face with flowers. Surprisingly, Mimi didn’t retaliate with any punches, but turned to Ariane and says, “That’s your friend.”
Looks like these girlfriends are drifting futher apart. We can’t wait to see what happens next week to see if they can fix this friendship.
BONUS: Karlie Redd is still on her “Keep Me Relevant” campaign. She asked Rasheeda if she could get on a diss record, but she was shut down. Karlie’s best line of the night to convince Rasheeda that she was a star was, “They brought me to Utah. I’m in Utah for a party. I’m everywhere.” You’re not a star, Karlie. Somebody lied.
 Watch the full episode below:×480.html
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