
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kyle Arrington Starting Cornerback of the New England Patriots Talks Football, Marriage, And Fatherhood

Kyle Arrington is an echelon of hard work and perseverance. As of March 2013, he renewed a lucrative 4 year deal with the New England Patriots, on one of the most prolific defenses in the NFL. In addition to having a fabulous career in the NFL, Kyle is a newly wed and a proud father to his first son, Kyle Jr.
We had the opportunity to sit down with Kyle as he shared his views on marriage, fatherhood, fun, charity, and football.

Hey Kyle! We are ecstatic to sit down and chat with you today. Today’s interview is a lifestyle piece. We will cover the football element in a separate interview. Is that cool?
YES! Between me and you I hate talking football. So you are cool! LOL!!!!
Whew, that’s a relief. LOL , congrats on your new marriage and new baby boy! How old is he?
Thank you! He’s 2 months today. 8 weeks old today.
Awwwwww, that is so sweet! How has fatherhood and marriage changed your life?
Ugh, Patience. I definitely have to have patience. It’s an acclimation to both. I will first start with marriage because the wife and I did not live together before we got married. She would come up to visit because I was working in Boston and she was back home in Maryland while we were dating and engaged. So now since we are living together it’s a little different. But it’s great though. It’s a fun challenge. Getting to live with one another. Learning how to live with one another. 
Awwwwww, that is so nice. We read that you two were high school sweethearts?
We get that a lot. We went to the same high school and graduated in the same class but we did not actually date until we reconnected after college. She was not ready for me in high school!!! LOL!!!!
Wow, that sounds like a made for TV movie for Lifetime, WE TV, or OWN. You know we love Oprah!
Yeah we love her too! Maybe we can make it!
We read that you were instrumental in helping with a huge charity to benefit the Boston Marathon victims.
Can you tell us a little more about it?
Yes, the campaign is still going on. ONE FUND BOSTON DOT ORG is the website we have been promoting.   The One Fund Boston  will benefit the Boston Marathon bombing victims and their families. It’s still a road to  recovery for them; let along the financial aspect. We are helping to promote the charity and encouraging people to donate to the website. Anything from the heart goes a long ways.
Wow, that is awesome. We will be sure to share this information with our readers!!!
Do you have any interests outside of football? Do you have any special hobbies?
FAMILY! I love to go home and hang out with the family. We have visited home twice since having the baby. It’s a lot of fun being around family laughing and joking.
Then video games. I am a big kid at heart. I never see myself outgrowing that phase.
Are you an X-Box sort of guy or a Play Station sort of guy?
I have both. But I can’t remember the last time I played or bought a game for X-Box. So, I guess I am a Play Station sort of guy.
I do have a couple of football related questions!
As a starter for New England, do you feel pressure to perform? Since the Pats are considered a modern-day dynasty like the Steelers and Niners of years past.
Not at all. It’s my job. My niche is football. Everybody has their job. We make it a job atmosphere; we embody the hardworking and blue-collar persona of the town. We take on the persona individually and as a team. “DO YOUR JOB!” is our mission.
Did you play Pee Wee Football or did you discover it later in life?

I went through the farming system as far as pee wee, high school, and college but I never really gave it a serious thought until senior year in high school. I only played one year of varsity football. I originally fancied myself as a basketball player but height and coaching differences made that kinda difficult to pursue. I feel like I am a late bloomer as it relates to football. I am still learning something new everyday.
Can you give Freddy O an exclusive? What’s something about Kyle Arrington that we can’t find on google?
Athletes in particular listen to Hip Hop to get hype for the game. I LOVE R&B. I listen to R&B when driving to and from work. I love to sing as well. I can’t sing but I love to sing!  My love for R&B music is an exclusive!
Wow, that’s really cool! Who’s your favorite R&B Singer? What’s in the car right now? 
Tank! The Best of Dru Hill is on replay. I listen to it all!  
Since Tank is your favorite be sure to check out TGT’s latest single and video.

Most definitely going to pick that up from I-Tunes!
It was so great chatting with you. We look forward to seeing you perform this fall! How can we keep up with you?
Thank you the pleasure was all mine!
You can follow me on Twitter: @Arrington24_7 and you can LIKE me on Facebook.
This is our first interview of a two-part series.
Stay tuned for the sports interview!
Are you a Patriots fan? Check out The One Fund Boston to benefit the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Leave your comments below.
Photos via: K Williams Public Relations, LLC

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