
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bishop OC Allen III and His First Gentleman Adopts a Baby Girl

Atlanta based Pastor, Bishop O.C. Allen III of the Vision Church and his husband, Rashad Burgess recently added a beautiful little addition to their family- a baby girl. The couple were recently featured in Ebony Magazine's Coolest Black Family in America segment. The article depicted the adoption and the joy that they've received since bringing home their baby girl, Caylee LaTanya Burgess-Allen. During the interview Bishop Allen spoke on his past and present struggles as an openly gay Pastor and man.
He also shared the importance of understanding people from a philosophical standpoint and how it enables him to be a better pastor. The couple shared how they met at a conference and three years later they became an official couple. On their 7th anniversary they decided to take their relationship to the next level and put it on paper. They ventured to Washington, D.C., one of the few places in the U.S. that allows same sex marriage and were legally married in the presence of close friends.
Bishop Allen stated that the couple always planned to have a child some day and when the opportunity arose via a social worker at their church, they jumped at the chance. Expecting a baby boy as a result of two sonogram confirmations, the Burgess-Allen's were all prepared to raise their son. They had heard so many discouraging stories about raising girls that they were glad their addition would be a baby boy. So you can imagine how they felt when the doctor came out and said, "You have a beautiful healthy baby! Just one little detail: it’s a girl." They were to say the least- shocked! The couple added when thy saw their daughter and how she had so many features similar to theirs, they knew the addition was divinely ordered.
See an excerpt from the interview below:
From Ebony:
Eleven-weeks old Caylee LaTanya Burgess-Allen coos as her father holds her. “Little missy doesn’t care that I have an interview to do. You gotta work with me a minute,” Oliver says, laughing. It’s clear that he loves every minute of his new station in life: fatherhood. The Burgess-Allens have no specific examples or true design on which to base their family construct. Nor do they have immediate mentors on which to mirror their professional choices. But when you do it anyway, it is revolutionary. Bishop Oliver Clyde Allen III and Rashad Burgess are ardent innovators.
Oliver, from Los Angeles, met Rashad at a conference in 1999. While he was initially struck by Rashad’s beauty, they didn’t become a couple until 2002. Rashad came out to his family between the ages of 18 and 21; he was six years into his liberation when he met his mate. Through his relationship with Rashad, Oliver came out to his own family. Oliver’s family wasn’t immediately accepting.
“My family is close,” Oliver says. “My mother initially didn’t know how to embrace it. After getting to know Rashad, and seeing that he was a responsible man who not only loved me but was willing to take care of me and build a life with me, she developed respect for him.”
In 2002, the two married on the shores of Hilton Head, South Carolina. “Completely private,” Oliver reminisces. “We went out to the beach around five a.m. wearing all white. We had a wooden chest with a Bible in it. We had music playing. We lit two torches on the beach and read our vows to each other. We also took communion together.”
Click Here for the full article


  1. Oh GOD we have gone so far from your ways please forgive us please take the blinders of our eyes that we may your truth help us sweet JESUS

    1. Yes, the selfless act of taking in an unwanted baby and giving that baby the love and stability of a two parent home sounds so far from God.?.?. Really?... If you believe that then you are the one with blinders.

    2. DeMon I say this with much compassion , that is not the family God set up from rhe beginning. God is not a God of fault and mistakes , He made woman for man and man for woman. Its the truth and the only truth. Anyone else preaching and teaching other than this is in error. Man can't bless what God cursed. And people who call themselves Gay Preachers or Gay Christians are trying to nless what God cursed. Yes God loves you, and he loves us enough to set us free from sin and strongholds. Homosexuality is a stronghold and not of God. Irs not natural and is an unnatural affections. I sern Gid restore and heal many lifes from homosexuality. Ask yourself : Why us it hated so much?, why di the world see it as a big thing, why are people saying it wrong? why is it hard to live thus lifestyle? why is it looked down upon? The lust could go on.... Just because yhe world is saying it now ok ,God is still nit pleased and not part of homosexuality.

    3. So everything that is looked down upon or makes someone's life hard is a sign of God's disapproval? Wow! Well if that's the criteria then we should also assume that God disapproves of black people. We as black people are discriminated against and looked down upon in many many countries including our own. Was our enslavement also a sign of God's disapproval? Handicapped children have very hard lives. Is that also a sign of God's disapproval? I was born with sickle cell and spent almost half of my childhood in hospitals. Was god punishing me from birth? I can tell these are your sincere beliefs but doesn't that take the responsibility away from the perpetrator and places it with those who have been victimized by the perpetrator? If someone decides to bash my brains in because I'm gay, it's really my fault for being gay. Slave masters who enslaved an entire race and treated them as subhuman were really doling out god's disapproval. I'm sorry if that's your world view because that is something I just can't comprehend or try to find middle ground with. Please tell me I misunderstood your point.


  2. Its wrong and straight from the pit of hell. Same sex marriage is nit if God. God has not part in O.C Aleen and his false teaching. Demon Im sorry honey but your wrong. If it was so it would have been from the beginning. Begin gay is wrong and people need deliverance and healing.

    1. Sky you are so right, the world has gone gay crazy! But the bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin. It clearly says that a man is not to lay with a man as though he was a woman! There are many scriptures, the bible even use words like effeminate which mean characteristics of a woman.

    2. I'm so glad believers are speaking out against this abominable sin! Society would have you think that, everyone agrees with it.

      Pray for Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to sign license to gay couple. In fact pray for the "Body of Christ", that we will not compromise our beliefs when challenged with controversy. I believe the time is coming when we will have to take a stand for what we believe, and be prepared for the consequences.

      "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after THEIR OWN LUSTS shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the TRUTH, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Tim. 4:3, 4

      I'm sure you will agree these ARE those times!! Be strong and keep the faith, the Lord is on His way!!

      Be strong sisters and brothers, the end

    3. sadly wrong....God made man and woman in the beginning not man and man or woman and woman..

    4. Homosexuality is a sin, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and this was one of the major reasons. Sad to say those countries legalizing this mess are going to face an angry God soon. I also believe that we as a body of Christ need to speak out more and stand up for our right, we should be able to say no we're not marrying those SODOMITES if it's against ours beliefs. And this pastor can't find any scripture condoning this behaviour

  3. WOW!! This is an outrage! I expect the "World" to be in denial, they aren't seeking God's will in the first place. But so-called Christians, who say they believe in the Bible, have no excuse. The scripture is clear, "THOU SHALT NOT LIE WITH MANKIND, AS WITH WOMANKIND: IT IS ABOMINATION. (Lev. 18:22)

    Have you gone so far that you can't discern right from wrong? Have you gotten so involved that you look for a way to circumvent God's Word? The scripture reads, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2 Tim. 4:3

    The problem with this situation, is that the "PREACHER" says homosexuality is right, and he becomes a stumbling block to everyone who hears him. Indiscriminate ears will believe him and lose the souls for eternity.

    The scripture warns us that "the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 1 Pet 4:17 DON'T BE DECEIVED!!

    1. You're free to believe anything you want to believe, but please keep this in mind. Scripture has always been debated as to what interpretation is right. Our understanding of the scripture has changed a great deal over time. 40 years ago almost every preacher and minister interpreted 1 Timothy 2:12-13 to mean women are not allowed to be ordained as ministers and can not pastor a church. 40 years later almost no one interprets that scripture that way. Every church I have attended has at least one or two women in the pulpit. That scripture didn't change, but our understanding did change. I could go through numerous examples of this but I think you get my point. I respect your beliefs and in no way am I telling you you're wrong. I'm just saying things aren't as black and white as we sometimes think they are. In the not too distant future I could easily see gays and lesbians being loved and embraced by the church as everyone's understanding evolves over time. A few years ago it was almost unthinkable to predict that gay marriage would be legal in 34 states with a large portion of those states laying directly in the "Bible Belt" of our country. But that's exactly what happened.

      Again, I'm not bashing anyone's beliefs and I have no problem with those who think I'm wrong. I try not to judge anyone because that is not my place and I'm a flawed imperfect human being just like everyone else. I don't have all the answers and I'm not arrogant enough to pretend to speak for God. I'm gay, I have no doubts at all about my sexuality and I know for sure that this is the way God made me.

    2. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with you. SCRIPTURE condemns same sex relationships. No matter who says it's right, the BIBLE says its wrong.

      Today you can make whatever choice you want, right or wrong, but remember this "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. (Heb. 9:27) also "And I saw the dead small and great stand before GOD and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works. (Rev 20:12). Which includes Lev. 18:22, 20:13 among others.

      So my friend, you don't have to serve God, you can live how ever you want, and you don't have to believe the Bible, but you WILL be held accountable for what you've done. Life is to short, eternity is too long, and hell is too hot! It's not worth it!!!

    3. Even though we disagree I appreciate the way you responded to me. You were very respectful and I could see there is no hate in your heart. I've had Christians curse me out, wish death upon me, call me sick and disgusting, just some very hateful vile words meant to degrade me as a living human being with feelings. You did not do that and I appreciate it. I may disagree with you but I respect the way you spoke to me in your response. Believe it or not, compassion and civility is a lot more rare than you think.

    4. Sad but true, some Christians don't know how to deal with people who don't share our beliefs. It is possible to speak the truth, and remain compassionate. If they would only remember how the Lord was merciful and kind when they were messed up, maybe they wouldn't be so hard. Truth be told, we were all messed up (and some still are) in one way or another. If God can forgive one sin, He can forgive another. That's the whole point of the Cross... Christ came to save His people FROM their sins.

      My friend I pray you have a heart-to-heart talk with Jesus, and let him turn your life around. I know you don't agree with me, but I'm still praying. "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water He turneth it withersoever He will." Prov. 21:1

    5. the church world has submitted to the culture of this age. When the church was inaugurated by the Holy Ghost Christ was in the midst of the church. Now, he is standing on the outside knocking trying to get in.

    6. the church world has submitted to the culture of this age. When the church was inaugurated by the Holy Ghost Christ was in the midst of the church. Now, he is standing on the outside knocking trying to get in.

    7. Homosexuality is sin, and any woman who usurps authority over a man is sinning as well! That's what the Word of GOD says and that's all that matters!

    8. Homosexuality is sin, and any woman who usurps authority over a man is sinning as well! That's what the Word of GOD says and that's all that matters!

    9. I agree, homosexuality is wrong and overbearing women are out of place. But please tell me what "any woman who usurps authority over a man" has to do with this blog.

      I thought we were discussing the evils of homosexuality. Did I miss something?


  4. Lord HELP US ALL!!!

  5. This is so sad. These so called Pastors trying to lead people in the ways of God. People are in need of miracles, signs and wonders. People need the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God via THE ANNOINTING. DON"T ARGUE with these so called preachers. The results or lack there of will speak for themselves.

  6. comments made by the anonymous person who seems to be very upset that everyone be it right or wrong do not agreed upon the same type of lifestyle I say this to you get the hell out the way and let King Jesus do his job who are you to judge another man I hope that you find peace love and happiness with your significant other whom ever he or she may be as long as you are happy I will be happy for you and let the Lord and Savior open that book when the time comes

    1. You lack understanding. It is not wrong to say what the scriptures says. When the Word Of God condemns a thing (in this case same sex relationships), it is perfectly in line with HIS will, not man.

      "THOU SHALT NOT LIE WITH MANKIND, AS WITH WOMANKIND: IT IS ABOMINATION. (Lev. 18:22) "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they both shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Lev 20:13)
      That is scripture and not my opinion. This did not come from man, this is the WORD OF GOD!!

      You might have problems with that, but you nor I can change it. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matt. 24:35) Also, Romans chapter 3 .v 3 "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? .v 4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.".

      It is the Word Of God that judges you and condemns you if you do not adhere to His warnings. And let me make it clear, (this article) we're not talking about unbelievers, we are talking about people who SAY they are Christians. "If MY PEOPLE who are called by MY NAME shall humble themselves and pray and seek MY face, and turn from their WICKED WAYS...THEN will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" 2 Chron. 7:14

      They say they believe in the Bible, (until they have to change their life). REAL BELIEVERS understand that "we are not our own" 1 Cor. 6:19 but we are "bought with a price... 1 Cor. 6:20, 7:23. This is not about us but, about God. He chooses the path we must take. He's the potter and we are the clay. (Isa. 29:16)

      Don't mean to be unkind but...Talk about letting King Jesus do his job... You should think about that, because when King Jesus comes, He is going to sit on a Great White Throne, with two books. One is the Books, or the Bible, the dead will be judged by what is written in it. The other, is the Book Of Life, if you name is not written in this book, you will be cast into the Lake Of Fire. Rev. 20:11-15

      It's not my lifestyle or your lifestyle you should be concerned with, it's God's lifestyle!! And if you want HELL to get out of the way, the best thing to do is not go there!!!


    2. What type of madness is this. Who goes to that church? Do the pastors really believe in God and His word? To HELL they shall go if they don't repent and change that abominable lifestyle

  7. Let the truth set u free!!!!! He created he/she in the beginning not he/he. Yahweh, the almighty does not approve of this. Let the scriptures prove that. Abomination! Abomination! Precept upon precept.

  8. Romans Chapter 1 says it all. God gave them over to a reprobate mind. What does reprobate mean? Please read for yourselves. May God add a Blessing to the reading and doing of His Word!

  9. What a bunch of ignorant claptrap. Most people, as is the case here, will look only at what reinforces their prejudices and preconceived notions.

  10. We R Living In The LAST of the LAST days.... JESUS is On HIS way BACK.... VERY Soon!!!! I Can Hardly Wait to Be With Him. THANK U JESUS!!!

  11. It's a DISGRACE to the WORD and even the WORD Speaks of their relationship as an ABOMINATION. It's not FARE to the child to raise her in a HOUSEHOLD UNPROTECTED by the Blood ... Teaching her to DISOBEY the WORD and SHAMEFULLY Disgrace All The WORD Stands for about HOLY MATRIMONY and being a BISHOP... A BISHOP SHOULD HAVE 1 WIFE ... This Man need to SIT DOWN Because He has chosen HIS GOD (ABOMINATION)

  12. The pastor standing in front of the congregation each time he is being fucked from behind ? Just disturbing

  13. this world we live in is very dark people believe lies over the truth i am so glad Jesus is my lord
