
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prince Michael Jackson Joins Showbiz

Michael Jackson's son, Prince Michael, is now working for 'ET.'
(Photo: CBS Television Distribution)
Prince Michael Jackson, 16, announced he is working as a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight.
"I've been raised around stuff like this so it was different being the interviewer instead of the one being interviewed," he said in a release announcing the new gig.

ET's Brooke Anderson worked with Jackson on his first interview as he chatted with James Franco, Zach Braff and director Sam Raimi about their new movie, Oz the Great and Powerful.

Jackson says he wants a career in the entertainment industry beyond ET. "I'm looking to become well-rounded as a producer, director, screenwriter and actor," he told Anderson. When she remarked that he seems much wiser and older than 16, Prince Michael replied, "That's what most of my people say. That was all thanks to my dad. He raised me right."

Jackson said he hopes his next interview will be "Peter Jackson, because I love his movies. Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and King Kong. I just love the way he shoots (and how) he brings things and depicts it back to life. I used to study his movies with my dad, put the volume off and just watch it, just the shots to see how he put it together."

During Jackson's interview with the stars, he got advice about show biz. Said Franco, "I always tell people, just go out and try, and stop waiting around or dreaming it's going to happen. Just go and start doing things on your own."

Congratulations Prince Michael! It sure is good to see a young celebrity doing something positive, especially Michael Jackson's kids... I wasn't really sure what was going to happen after all they had gone through in their young lives. I definitely wish them all well. Now if we can just get Bobbi Kristina before it's too late!!!

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