
Friday, November 9, 2012

The Re-election of President Barack Obama

44th President Barack Obama is set for another four years in the White House and the GOP is upset. I wonder why? For years they have controlled america with an iron fist and for the first time in history we have shown our oppressors that we want, deserve, and demand continuous change. United we stand, Divided we fall, Tighter than pantyhose four sizes small.

So many people are upset about the Re-election of President Barack Obama. I ask why? For many years people of color have been made fun of for our religious beliefs... They think God is a waste of time, they thought slavery would never end, and they thought our President would never be re-elected... My response "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

This week I heard comments like "The world is coming to an end, and Your taxes are going to go up $40 per household in January." I'm sorry white people but people of color are use to living off of a shoestring budget. Hell many of us have made it on no budget at all, but through it all we have trusted God and he has proven that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I love my people and I love my first family.

Take a bow Dr. King and all of those who sacrificed their lives so that we could be afforded the opportunity to be heard.

Say it with me FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

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